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  1. Thank you for that important information. My only concern is the mercury levels in wild salmon.

    Is there a way around it, other than limiting the amount of times you can eat wild salmon in your diet each week or month.

    1. Good question! Check out this info about selenium & mercury: https://chriskresser.com/5-reasons-why-concerns-about-mercury-in-fish-are-misguided/

  2. Sorry, but this article is not only full of disinformation, it is straight up classist in its presumptions. To begin, synthetic astaxanthin is no different than natural astaxanthin. I mean, come on. They’re literally the same chemical. Of course it’s not fit for human consumption – that would be like refining it from the shells of shrimp (where it comes from naturally) and then eating it straight. It would make you sick, natural or not. Yes, farm raised salmon are lower in omega-3 fatty acids, and instead higher in omega-6 fatty acids. But consider this: they still have plenty of omega-3 (one serving = your week’s recommended intake, even farmed salmon), and omega-6 fatty acids aren’t unhealthy or inflammatory. This is a misconception. Omega-6 fatty acids are still MUCH, MUCH healthier than the saturated fats you’ll find in beef, pork, lamb, chicken, milk, and butter. So why don’t you provide that context?—why don’t you say that farm raised salmon is still healthier than animal fats? Hmm, I guess because disinformation draws in more clicks. The “toxins” you find in farm-raised salmon aren’t at levels high enough to warrant concern… dose makes the poison. And finally, as an environmental science major, I can assure you that farm raised fish are more sustainable and better for the environment than wild caught salmon. There’s no competition – be it the sustainability (as in we’re running out of wild caught salmon), or the fact that farm raised salmon produce less CO2 per pound of meat.

    Finally, I think that this is an incredibly classist take. Farm raised salmon is significantly (often 4-5 dollars per pound) cheaper than wild caught salmon. If you can afford to arguably waste your money on wild caught salmon because of its very marginal health benefits, do it. But absolutely do not discourage others who can’t afford that luxury from buying farm raised salmon. This is going to drive them to other protein sources, like land animal products, which are definitely less healthy than any salmon.

    I’m so tired of this disinfo.

  3. It is discouraging how hard it is to get wild caught salmon in restaurants. Often the waiter/waitress doesn’t know but when pressed to find out, it is always the case that it is farmed. This applies even to high high end restaurants.

  4. I work as a sea kayaking instructor in southern Chile – Patagoniaand see a lot of salmon farms on the routes we use. Chances are that a lot of the farmed salmon sold in the US is now produced in Chile where salmon farming has become a huge industry. The growth is partly driven by non Chilean companies from Norway or Canada because in their own countries the environmental restrictions have become very strict. By contrast in Chile the environmental controls are very lax. I can add three more reasons not to eat farmed salmon based on my experience there. Firstly is the huge amount of visible plastic waster dumped by the salmon farms – beaches adjacent to the farms are often feet deep in garbage mixed with sand or stones and the the remains of abandoned enclosures are everywhere – plastic piping, net floats etc. Secondly the farms routinely shoot sea lions or sea lions get wounded by barbed wire wrapped round the cages to keep them off. But I think the 3 rd reason is the most important. To produce 1 pound of salmon you need to feed the salmon 4 – 6 pounds of other fish as salmon are carnivores. This fish food is coming from massive trawling operations in the open ocean. Thus the oceans are being depleted of food stocks for other marine creatures. Overall, salmon farming is a filthy business!

  5. The benefits (of eating farmed salmon) “…far exceed the risks, argues food toxicologist Charles Santerre, pH, associate professor in Purdue University’s department of foods and nutrition.”

    “This study points out that a few people can be injured by eating farmed salmon. But many, many, many times more will benefit from it.”


  6. Thank you for sharing your article on farmed salmon. You definitely bring up good points however you are speaking to commodity salmon generally, not salmon sustainably certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). I co-own Wild Fish Direct, a sustainable seafood supplier to healthy fast casual brands nationwide. Our focus is entirely on wild capture species and farms that are at least a Good Alternative on Monterey Bay Seafood Watch or certified by ASC. The cutting edge of aquaculture utilizes recirculating aquaculture systems that are land based and contribute less than 2% waste back to the environment. Many of these systems use their waste to fertilize land farms. Some are powered 100% by wind and solar power. RAS fish are not treated with antibiotics. Please note there are problems with wild capture species as well. The majority of our “wild” salmon are not wild at all. They are bred in hatcheries because the wild populations of salmon cannot sustain the environmental obstacles and fishing pressure without our help. In addition, these fisheries are limited and cannot supply the growing world demand for seafood. We look at sea farms like land farms. Many utilize practices we don’t support so we don’t choose them. Some are built and managed by intelligent, environmentally conscious farmers who have dedicated their lives and resources to helping us eat healthy fish.

  7. I had no idea about the danger of farmed salmon. I actually hadn’t paid attention to the difference between farmed and wild salmon. Hubby and I do like salmon, so I will pay more attention next time I shop for it to make sure it’s wild salmon, NOT farmed!

  8. This is such an interesting and helpful post indeed. It sound like a smart idea to keep to locally sourced salmon.